
It’s never too late to sign up as a sponsor for the MNQP this year. To be a sponsor, please contact our awards manager at mnqp-awards@w0aa.org.

Minnesota QSO Party Sponsors for 2024

Plaque Sponsors ($80)

  • Minnesota Single Operator Low Power Category – Bruce Richardson W9FZ and Janice Hoettels KA9VVQ
  • Minnesota Single Operator QRP Category – Mark Endorf WAØMHJ & Bob Garwood WØBV
  • Minnesota Phone Only Category – Fred Regennitter K4IU & Judy Regennitter KØUH
  • Minnesota CW Only Category – Mike Mullen NØBUI
  • Minnesota Multi-Operator Category – St. Paul Radio Club
  • Minnesota Mobile Single Transmitter Category – Twin City DX Association
  • Minnesota Rover Category – Pat Cain KØPC
  • W/VE Single Operator Mixed Mode Low Power Category – Alan Dewey KØAD
  • W/VE Single Operator Mixed Mode High Power Category – Spirit Valley Amateur Association
  • W/VE Single Operator Mixed Mode QRP Category – Randy Shirbroun NDØC
  • W/VE Single Operator CW Only Category – Mark Endorf WAØMHJ & Bob Garwood WØBV
  • W/VE Single Operator Phone Only Category – Rich Westerberg NØHJZ
  • W/VE Multi-Operator Category – Currently not sponsored
  • DX Unlimited Category – Currently not sponsored

Minnesota Gift Sponsors ($60)

  • Rolf Krogstad NRØT and Taty Krogstad KEØTL
  • Tom Rieff KØYR
  • Jon Platt WØZQ
  • Randy Shirbroun NDØC
  • Pat Cahill WØBM

Additional Sponsorships Available!

About Minnesota QSO Party Sponsorship

The Minnesota QSO party is growing in popularity every year. The above sponsors help make this event possible. The following levels of sponsorship are available:

Plaque Sponsorship
This covers the cost of one plaque plus postage. Your call sign (or the name of your organization) will be acknowledged on the plaque and acknowledged on this web site.

Minnesota Gift Sponsorship
This covers costs associated with sending out Minnesota Wild Rice Gift Packages (including the shipping costs) to the top 6 single operator scorers inside Minnesota and the top 10 scorers outside Minnesota. Cost associated with certificates are also covered by this sponsorship. Minnesota Gift Sponsors are recognized on the Web Site as well as in a note included with each gift package.

If you are interested in helping sponsor the Minnesota QSO Party, please contact our awards manager at mnqp-awards@w0aa.org.